
Entry taniravo
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy  [Taisaka] Tanimanga, tany mora [1.78]
 Tany fotsifotsy ampiasaina handalorana [1.1]
Explanations in English [ tany ravo ] White earth, whitening. It consists of decayed felspar, and is a kind of kaolin [1.2]
 Chalk [1.42]
Explanations in French Terre blanche qui sert à blanchir les maisons et qu'on met parfois sur le front ou ailleurs par superstition [1.3]
1Voanjo, ny voa ny totoina endasina, asiana taniravo, dia atentina amy ny kifongo. [2.48]
2toa taniravo fatra-pifoka rano ny fiketron' ny takodi-masony [2.470]

Entry Taniravo
Part of speech name (toponym) [full list]
Examples Zanaharitsimandry, any avaratr' Ambohibemasoandro an-koatra kely, any Taniravo amy ny Mandiavato [2.48]
Coordinates -19, 47.5

Updated on 2023/12/03